PFAFF Creative Icon 2 vs PFAFF Creative Icon 1 – Comparison and Everything you need to know!

The Pfaff Creative Icon 2 and the Pfaff Creative Icon have some amazing features that we want to compare and help answer some questions for you. We had a lot of people ask about the difference between these two machines, so if you’re wondering which one you should get or why you would want all the new features we’re going to go through those step by step.

With the brand new Creative Icon 2, that is the new top of the line machine from Pfaff and is the latest and greatest of all the Pfaff brand sewing machines that are out there. Most brands come out with a new top-line machine about every four to six years so the newest one always has the latest technology and most advanced features. Here are a few of the great brand new features that Pfaff have added to the Creative Icon 2 and it really is an excellent embroidery machine and it really checks all boxes. The complete comparison table is available at the bottom of the page.

Artificial Intelligence

AI Assist Creative Icon 2
AI Assistant for the Creative Icon 2

First up is artificial intelligence, for instance it has the ability to check and make sure for example you have the right foot on for the stitch that you have selected. It can also make sure you haven’t put on the foot backwards and will make sure your settings are correct. Because of its wi-fi capabilities any updates that are going to come will be done automatically, just like your phones. As Pfaff continues to add more and more things the machine is going to get smarter and smarter just means less frustration for you. That’s why having the latest greatest is actually a good thing because if you have more time to sew more enjoyment and isn’t that what we’re all after these days.

Voice Activation

The next biggest thing that is new  is the voice activation feature, this gives the ability through voice control and the power of alexa you will have the ability to select stitches and go through the machine and find the settings you need. By simply saying alexa select and fill in the blank you can ask for tutorials to pop up on the screen. There are a ton of tutorials on youtube on how to operate the machine but built into this machine is tons of information. Even if you don’t own an alexa device you can actually download the free alexa app on your phone or tablet and have the same connectivity.

The user guide for the Voice Control is available on the Pfaff website and the list of commands you can use can be found here.

Built in Camera and Projector

Project Pfaff Creative 2
Project or the Creative Icon 2

Next is the new camera onboard, we have two things we can do with it. We can project the decorative stitch that we are about to stitch and can project lines for following so no more putting on guides for you to follow, instead  you can actually set up a grid you can set up lines you follow. You are able to change the angles and you can even change the color of the projection so it looks good on the color of fabric you are using. If you are on dark fabric you’re going to need to set it so it can show on dark fabric vice versa for lighter fabric. Also by projecting the embroidery design that you are about to stitch onto your fabric you can move it around and set it up to know exactly where it’s going. To stitch it’s kind of like virtual embroidery as it will take the design and show you exactly what to expect and that alone is a game changer and because of the camera we’re also able to scan our fabric that’s in the hoop and have that appear on the front of the machine. This allows you to get perfect placement for any project you’re working with and the precise positioning of this machine is still included if i have re-hooped for a second hooping. It is easy to perfectly match one stitch from the new design to touch the last stitch of my last design making re-hooping flawlessly easy.

Embellishment attachment

The Pfaff creative icon 2 now has the ability to accept the brand new embellishment attachment, allowing you to embroider with beads, yarns and ribbons. This is a game changer, as a lot of trendy things these days have texture on the fabric and now you can actually do it yourself with this amazing attachment.

Decorative Stitches and Embroidery Designs 

Pfaff always have had some great decorative stitches and they’ve added on new ones to the new Icon version. With the Creative Icon 2 there are 25 new stitches bringing the total to 806 versus 781 stitches and 61 new built-in embroidery designs added to the Creative Icon 2 bringing that total to 873 versus 812. 


mysewnet Pfaff Creative 2
The new mySewnet available on Pfaff Machines

Pfaff has an amazing online ecosystem called mySewnet and that encompasses a lot of different areas, for example there is a design library that you can access right on the screen of the sewing machine. So if you have a mySewnet subscription you will be able to see those designs appearing on screen, you can sort through them and choose among the 8000 designs available now, and they’re always adding more designs weekly. It is also able to display the new blog on both Creative 1 and 2, it is fun to be inspired by just turning your machine on accessing the latest information projects and free designs that come up.

Embroidery Mode

In the embroidery mode you can now select the brand of embroidery thread that you are using. You can even assign colors you own to the design you’re stitching in the brand new redesigned color wheel and selecting the threads that you’ll be using. By saving that design with a color palette it is even easier to stitch out because all the color information is right on screen and when you change colors you can then see what it’s going to look like before you even stitch.


Another new thing with the Pfaff Creative Icon 2 is that it has a brand new case, so not only does this transport your machine safely and stylishly it also is full of places to put all your accessories and everything that you need to store. It has multiple areas to slip in accessories or tools that you’re traveling with and zip those in safely. The entire Pfaff creative accessory line fits in this beautiful container and there’s even a little map to show  where everything would be placed. 

Additional Features

Bead Sewing Creative Icon 2
Bead Sewing on the Creative Icon 2

There are a few other new features we would like to mention such as the new labeled icons for easy understanding of what areas do what. A clock timer, stopwatch and alarm capabilities have also been added. Worth a mention is also the beautiful new sleek design that allows for a one touch opening of the top part of the machine. There is also an extra hoop that’s included with the Creative 2, the grand dream hoop measuring 360 by 350 millimeters and that’s on top of the other three hoops that are included with the machine. Also included with the Creative 2 they have added 42 additional resource parts into the help center of this machine, including needle information and a complete accessory guide so you can have everything right at your fingertips.


Now this is quite an extensive list of new items added to the Pfaff Creative Icon 2 compared to the Creative Icon 1. We are very impressed with this machine and think you’re going to be likewise impressed when you test the new features. We know this machine comes at a premium price but if it’s been a while since you’ve splurged and bought a new machine, treat yourself and if that means buying yourself your dream machine you’re going to find everything you ever wanted in the brand new Pfaff Creative Icon 2.  

Comparison Table

FeaturePfaff Creative Icon 2

Pfaff Creative Icon 2
Pfaff Creative Icon

Pfaff Creative Icon 2
Artificial Intelligence Presser Foot Recognition-
Voice Control* -
Projection in Sewing Mode-
Projection in Embroidery Edit Mode-
Hoop Scanning - Embroidery Background Loading-
creative™ Embellishment Attachment Capability-
Number of Stitches806781
Number of Designs Built-in873812
Extra Stitch Category - Maxi Handlook EmbroideryOver 20 New Stitches-
mySewnet™ Library On Screen -
mySewnet™ Blog Viewing Options with Filters-
creative™ Grand Dream Hoop (360x350) Included-
Needle Guide in Help Center-
Accessory Guide in Help Center-
Number of Resources in the Help Center151109
Setup Guide On-Screen-
Color Edit Color Wheel-
Select Color Through Thread Brand Color Numbers-
Favorite Thread Color Capabilities-
Redesigned Angle Selection - Stitch Creator™-
Project Creator Button-
Labeled Icons-
Clock, Timer, Stopwatch, Alarm Capabilities-
One-touch Lid Opening-
Limited Edition Machine Colors3-
Demo Mode-

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